Our first days in Peru gave a quick taste of Lima, the capitol city of Peru. Home to about 10 million people (1/3 of the population) it's a bustling place. We stayed in Miraflores, considered the boogie part of town, and the hub for hostels and tourism. The city sits high on cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean and a good bus system plus easy to use combi buses makes it easy to get around. A good swell rolled through while were there and I was able to rent a board and wetsuit (S/30 / $9.50) for the day to take advantage.
View of the surf from the cliffs of Barranco
We made a point to see some sites, but the bulk of this pass through Lima was about logistics; and step 1 was getting the Yellow Fever vaccination. I had called a dozen clinics in NYC before we left about getting this, and beyond the brutal price tag of $350+ for the shot, a massive shortage of the vaccine made it generally unavailable until February...no dice. Once settled we adventured out to find a clinic that would serve us up a Fiebre Amarilla cocktail and an international vacination certificate. Easy enough we found a local hospital with a large line of babies waiting to get their vaccines. We hopped in line and about an hour later we were immune and ready to take on the world for a much more manageable $40 each.
The nurses distracted a fearful Abi with some animal noise toys for the kidos...La vaca dice moooooooo
Some bus tickets were researched, grocery stores frequented, and finally the main event, a trip to Barranco, the Williamsburg to Miraflores's Soho, led us to our first cevicheria serving up some marinated Tilapia that ate realllllll good.
Tilapia Ceviche & A Paella type dish of Shrimp and Octopus