Treacherous roads are abundant in Andean Peru, and cornering aggressively in top-heavy vans is somewhat of a national pastime. Steep dirt roads cut into every hillside, where combi buses and moto-taxis stir up dust storms taking curves at full speed. Mockingly, they give a honk for blind oncoming traffic, the front windows are always down to listen for warning signals. Peru is not the place for those who get car sick or squirm at heights, but at some point even the most seasoned NYC taxi passenger needs to toss in the towel. How crazy of a road is a person willing to travel? this a joke?
The two hour decent (TWO HOURS!) out of Huascaran National Park had to be the single most dangerous activity I have ever participated in. A cross sat on every corner down the hill, and the omission of guardrails was painfully clear. Nine passengers, myself included, put everything in the hands of a driver we met five minutes prior to starting. No credentials were seen, and none were needed. Only the crazy and overly confident would even attempt this. It all worked out, and for the cost of S/. 25 ($7.75) the four hour ride offered some incredible views.
Heading out from Huascaran National Park